Saturday, March 8, 2008

Human remains of 100,000 years ago discovered in Syria

DAMASCUS, Aug. 12 (Xinhua) -- Human remains dating back to 100,000
years ago have been discovered by a Syrian-Swiss excavating mission in
Tadmor at the heart of the Syrian desert, the official SANA news agency
reported on Sunday.

Head of the Tadmor Antiquities and Museums Department Walid Asaad
said more research was underway to identify the remains and the people
who lived there.

Ancient tools and blades made of hard stone found in the remains
revealed great abilities and mastery of the people at that time, he

He added that there were various signals indicating that fire had
also been used in that area.

Editor: Yan Liang

http://news. xinhuanet. com/english/ 2007-08/13/ content_6519702. htm

9 000-year-old cemetery found in Syria

amascus - A Syrian-Japanese archaeological team uncovered recently a
9 000-year-old cemetery in north-east Syria, Syrian state-controlled
newspaper al-Thawra reported on Tuesday.

The cemetery, found at Ein al-Karkh site in Idlib province, 330km
north of the capital Damascus, represents "ancient Syrian society and
the stage of transformation from big agricultural villages to the
building of the first city", said Jamal Haider, the head of the
Syrian side of the archaeological team.

About 20 adult skeletons were found in the cemetery, with clay tools
and stone bowls found near them.

Excavation works, which started at the site ten years ago, led to the
discovery of many agricultural villages and settlements that date
back to the modern Stone Age (8000-5000 BC). - Sapa-dpa

http://www.iol. php?
set_id=1&click_ id=31&art_ id=nw20070807214 536261C302113

Gaza Holocaust in 'Free' Media

It is disgusting. Hardly anything was mentioned in the "free-press" of the democratic West. In fact the coverage in some cases equals to partner-in-crime.

Here is some examples (click on image to enlarge. Highlights in blue):

USA media - newspapers:

New York Times: Not a single word!


LA Times: Not a single word!


USA media - online news:

New York Times: Under "More News" a very small line: "Israel Takes Gaza Fight to Next Level in a Day of Strikes"

NYT Online

The Washington Post: Hardly seen one line, "60 Gazans Killed in Incursion By Israeli Forces"


CNN: "Israeli airstrike hits Hamas premier office."

Not mentioning the civilian house, babes, children and civilians killed. Misleading the mass that Israel is attacking Hamas only. Nothing new!


LA Times: Hardly seen five words (marked in blue), "Israel launches offensive into Gaza."

LAT Online

Fox news: "54 killed in attack on Militant."

Doh... they have a discount on the numbers (at the time of their report, more than 78 were killed).


At least two dozen Palestinian civilians, including a baby, were among those killed, and militants said 25 fighters died. Health officials said about 200 people were wounded, 14 of them critically.

Although more than 1/3 of the 78 killed were babies and children, Fox says only ONE baby was killed!!!

UK media - online:

BBC website:

Second headline from left (marked in blue): "UN Chief condemns Gaza violence."

Violence ha? No mention of babies, children and civilians killed!!!


UK - Newspapers:

The Daily Telegraph: Nota a single word!

Daily Telegraph

The Guardian: Not a single word!

The Guardian

The Herald: Not a single word!

The Herald

IHT: very small paragraph on the left side of the frontpage.

International Herald Tribune

Germany - online news:

Spiegel: Hardly seen line at the bottom of the website

Gaza on Spiegel

Welcome to the blind/deaf world of "human rights" and "freedom of press"!!!