Saturday, June 30, 2007

Just Talkings

Yalla here is a simple clip for my queen Najwa Karam

I cut it and prepare it and I’ll try to translate all the song in this clip , so hope to like it.

1. law ma btekzob ( stop lying )

if you stop lying I’ll leave the doubting

still compliment me in every evening

I can see the flirt in your eyes

No I don’t want your coquet me tonight and forget me in morning

if you stop lying , no no u can’t

2. Nawer Ayami ( Light up my life )

Stay with my like breath , don’t absent for one second

I afraid to sleep , cuz I slept I’ll close my eyes and miss you

I like you bigger than sea , bigger than can imagine

I’ll not change any thing in ur love , your love is my fate

Light up my life and smile just for one second , hope to know how much I love u

3. Behkik ( talk with u )

One moment plz , what’s wrong if I told u I love u

We loved each other in chance

The love , the love was lost me

Im excused and it’s first time which I forgive my self in crazy case

Every one were love you , also I loved you

My heart was loving you and I live in crazy case

Talk with you , no I won’t it’s better

4. Haida Haki ( just words )

Live the love feeling like me and risk

Just love and hazard

There is no emigration in my love world

Hug my heart and let’s fly

Just words , just talks

Just love , just passion

Let’s behave like crazy , let me forget my self

Put me in ur kingdom and let me burn the throne

Hope to like it , it’s my queen , I adore here

Finally. thanks Najwa for your sweet song about Syria and Syria president

Real Phoenician

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

I miss Syria

I miss Syria. Here are some things that I find myself missing.

I miss little white service vans and never paying more than 50 lira for a taxi, even for a ride across town. I want to eat Uncle Chips, not Mr. Chips, even if he is sleazier. I miss having a mosque on every corner. I miss the genuinely amicable relationship between Muslims and Christians. I miss the Old City! I miss gorgeous coastal scenery like this. I miss public transportation that criss-crosses the country so you can get anywhere without owning or renting a car. I miss Qadmous buses and, yes, even the obnoxious Egyptian movies they play on board. Heck, I miss Happy Journey buses, too! Or at least seeing them from the outside.

I miss Dance and Ruby and Hum-Hum and Jexy and Metro and Ugarit Cola and those Malto crackers that were always kind of vaguely disgusting but single-handedly got me through my first trimester. I miss that goofy David Beckham poster near Baramke where he's endorsing Casterol (or a similarly random product) and his name is misspelled.

I miss pining away after all those Western restaurants, like Pizza Hut and Cinnabon. I miss being excited when a new Western product showed up at the grocery stores - I well remember the day when they finally got Reese's Peanut Butter Cups. It was all my class at Amideast could talk about the next day.

I miss saying "shu" and "mu" and not feeling like I have an accent.

I miss living in a place where the guy at the corner grocery store doesn't speak English.

There's so many things that I miss. I love UAE and I love Emirates ppl, but that doesn't mean I can't miss Syria and Syrians.

the gate of city

syrian show talks about 1920's days when ottmani ( turkish ) occupation for syria
so so peatiful and the are eposides cry me , any way i advise all syrian series lovers to watch it

i'll put the links soon
baba al hara talks about social life , nobles ppl , habits and problem in this period

is the prelude and the comments of my friends

All Comments (15 total)

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arabiyya (3 months ago) Marked as spam
can u put the videos instead of just generic please
aonsaaaa (2 months ago) Marked as spam
if i can download this video, the web will be good.
ganaiemm (2 months ago) Marked as spam
thank you!!!!
Nermeen232 (2 months ago) Marked as spam
Nermeen232 (2 months ago) Marked as spam
wahidOuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu :D
aloarda (2 months ago) Marked as spam
love bab al hara 4eva and i love movie syrian
EYADU (2 months ago) Marked as spam
i love this song .thank you !
coolsoso (1 month ago) Marked as spam
thank u very much
sakman42 (1 month ago) Marked as spam
allahu halliyk şukran iktiiir
nosha1398 (1 month ago) Marked as spam
this is my nephew's best song; he always dances on it
syrianpimp (1 month ago) Marked as spam
tis sOng is very gOod......;)
i love it
wunder2006wunder (3 weeks ago) Marked as spam
بسام الملا حبيبي وأنا لااشاهد سوى أعمالهلأنه أصيل ويحب الشام القديمة والمحب يفعل كل شيئ لحبيبه شكر للمخرج بسام الذي حفظ تراث الشام وذاكرة الأجيال في عصر الجينز والتغريب
Damouma (2 weeks ago) Marked as spam
i luv this song and i know the words off by heart from the many times ive watched it...!!! :)
zozozo100000 (5 days ago) Marked as spam
i ve never seen batter than this serial
amrjosef (4 days ago) Marked as spam
this was so great during Ramadan, thank you Syria the home of all arabs

*Bab AL Harar : syrian sentence it's mean ( the gate of city )

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Welcome To Tartous City

صيف سورية بدأ .. أين تريد أن تقضي أوقاتك .. اختر ما شئت فالخيارات واسعة أينما اتجهت في سورية سيأخذك السحر بعيداً .

ولعل سحر منطقة مشتى الحلو في محافظة طرطوس له طعم خاص نعم المشتى تلك الهضبة الخضراء ذات الهواء المنعش والعليل تحيط بها التلال والوديان التي تتفجر من رحمها الينابيع العذبة .

في المشتى عناوين السياحة لا يسابقها إلا التاريخ العميق فيزيدها سحراً وألقاً .

في الطريق إلى المشتى تشعر بحقول الزيتون تسابقك إلى المقاصد لتكتشف أنها المقصد تتمايل وتتموج إلى جانب بساتين الفاكهة .

وإذا ما وصلت إلى المشتى هناك أكثر من خيار للإقامة لعل أجملها منتجع مشتى الحلو الذي صمم ليكون بعمارته المتميزة والخاصة جداً

متناغماً مع لوحة اسمها مشتى الحلو .

لن نكثر الكلام فأنتم سألتموني عن عناوين للإقامة في طرطوس أقول لكم كل المدائن والمناطق السورية أهل للاصطياف وأقدم لكم مشتى الحلو خياراً من خيارات كثيرة إذا أردتم التعرف أكثر على منتجع مشتى الحلو ادخلوا إلى الموقع التالي :


-It's located at the top of a small green hill

facing Virgin Mary's mountain.

-It's founded as one of the most distinguished architectural designs

to form a harmonious part with the green nature.

-It spreads on 27500 M ² .

-Mashta Al Helu Hotel & Resort

is near to many important ancient places.For example, Safita Tower 14 km,

Al Dawayat Cave 2 km,Al Hussen Castle, and other tourist places which

give the guest the chance to know a

lot about our old civilization.


-Ruins Trips.

-Religious sites.

-Salesian Monastery.

-St. George Monastery.

منتجع مشتى الحلو

يتميز موقع منتجع مشتـى الحلو بأنه يـتوسط جزيرة خضراء ذات هضـاب سـاحرة تمكن

نزلائنا من الاستمتاع بالمشهد الرائع.

كما أن قرب منتجع مشتى الحلو من معـالم أثرية هـامة كحصن سليمـان الذي يبعد 14كم,

وبرج صافيتا14كم ومغارة الضوايات2كم وقلعة الحصن وغيرها من الأماكن السياحية

الهامة للإستمتاع بمشاهدة أكثر المعالم الأثرية جمالاً.

إطلالة ساحرة على جبل السيدة والتلال الخضراء.

وللإستجمام أكثر جهزنا لنزلائنا مركزاً للرشاقة البدنية وملعباً للتنس ومسابح وحدائق للأطفال.

ضيفنـا العزيز سـواء كنت زائراً بـقصد السيـاحة أو العمل فإن فـندق ومنتجع مشتى الحلو هو

وجهتك التي تسهر على راحتك.

" تمتع بعالم الضيافة "


Saturday, June 16, 2007

Dear Mr. President

Dear Mr. President:


I say that secretly, our home full with anxiety, the despair between us ….. The sword of fear is masterful with us, and the exhausted worry stays another day in our hearts.

Dear Mr. President:

I say that secretly, who? Who? Who was capturing our dream??? Who was putting the solicitude between us spitefully? Who was throwing our life with subjugation, perfidy, treason, and handcuffs?

Dear Mr. President:

Can you hear the calls of frees when they are asking you???? Is the killed able to kill twice???? Our children still dreaming, can you save their dreams while they are dreaming???

Dear Mr. President:

The traitorous still inserted in our life , we feel hurt because we know that they used to bet on our future , we feel hurt because we know that they used to blockade our decisions , we feel worry because they know the results .

How long???? How long???? They are in our arteries existing????

Dear Mr. President:

We deposit our future between your hands; we come to look forward to hear us, let's tear down the gates of prison, let's defeat your government defeats, and let's pelt the traitorous with stones.

Our hearts like a freedom stronghold, our bodies like suit ammunition.

We swear, we swear, we'll still claim because we are in addition to our land and truth majority.

We love you, please help us, we need your liberation because we know that you want us liberals.

Saturday, June 9, 2007


From childhood's hour I have not been
As others were; I have not seen
As others saw; I could not bring
My passions from a common spring.
From the same source I have not taken
My sorrow; I could not awaken
My heart to joy at the same tone;
And all I loved, I loved alone.
Then- in my childhood, in the dawn
Of a most stormy life- was drawn
From every depth of good and ill
The mystery which binds me still:
From the torrent, or the fountain,
From the red cliff of the mountain,
From the sun that round me rolled
In its autumn tint of gold,
From the lightning in the sky
As it passed me flying by,
From the thunder and the storm,
And the cloud that took the form
(When the rest of Heaven was blue)
Of a demon in my view.